Information Security Policy

 West Nippon Expressway Engineering Chugoku Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Our Company") has established its own information security policy toward the protection of the information assets, in the understanding that they are important assets of our company and the society, which needs to be protected from the various threats. Our company strives to maintain the trust of our clients and the society by disclosing the necessary information, and protecting the confidential information assets including personal information.

1. Operational Structure

 Our Company will establish the Information Security Regulations and the proper organizational structure, and continuously maintain and improve the system.

2. Implementation of Countermeasures

 Our Company will implement the necessary countermeasures in order to protect the information assets from threats such as wiretapping, invasion, manipulation, destruction, theft, and leaks. If the information assets are exposed to any threat, Our Company will minimize the damage, determine the cause, and take measures to prevent any recurrences.

3. Education

 Our Company will educate and train the employees handling the information assets, and strive to raise the awareness of information security.

4. Evaluation and Revision

 Our Company will continuously evaluate and revise the contents of the Information Security Regulation.

5. Compliance with Laws and Regulations

 All directors and employees will comply with the information security laws, rules, and regulations, and any obligations set out in the agreement with the customers. Our Company will specify the terms of the information security measures in the agreement with other companies.

6. Management Liability

 The Directors will take responsibility for ensuring the security of the information assets and implementing the information security measures.

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West Nippon Expressway
Engineering Chugoku Co., Ltd

3rd Central Bldg., 2-1 Nishikanon-machi,
Nishi-ku, Hiroshima, 733-0037 JAPAN

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